From Our Friends- Call for Films: Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Short Film Symposium

  • 07/01/2024

Event details

From our Friends: In connection to the 2024 Asian and Middle Eastern Studies graduate student conference at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, The Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is organizing the inaugural Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Short Film Symposium to celebrate audio-visual storytelling that engages with Asia and the Middle East and their diaspora. 

Asian and Middle Eastern humanities have delineated transient experiences, discursive scaffolds, and affective infrastructures that situate us in an increasingly globalized, and porous world. What social, cultural, political, and ecological formations are set in motion when we think through the paradigm of porous futurities? How do these new formations renegotiate the past and the present? 

Porosity highlights not only the enmeshment of material and theoretical entities and bodies, but also allows for the negotiation of very real boundaries. We invite you to reflect on porosity through filmmaking in tandem with: 

  • (im)permeability
  • (in)affectability 
  • inter- and intra-disciplinarity 
  • inter- and intra-speciety 
  • intersectionality 
  • (im)mobility 
  • scale and totality 
  • transparency/opacity 
  • inter- and intra-nationality 
  • inter- and trans-mediality 
  • trans-linguality 
  • worlding 
  • (post-)coloniality 
  • ecologies 
  • liminality 
  • viscosity 
  • temporality 

We welcome submissions from scholars, filmmakers, and artists from the Twin Cities local communities and worldwide. 

Applicants must provide the following information to by July 1, 2024

  • name & pronouns 
  • level of study and name of institution (if applicable) 
  • bio 
  • title, format (e.g. digital, DCR) and length (under 20 mins) of the film description of the film and how it relates to our theme (200-300 words) link to a clip sample (or full film if completed) through vimeo (with password) or youtube (private sharing) 

Decisions regarding your submissions will be sent out by July 7, 2024. Selected films will be screened on Oct. 24th, 2024 in the Twin Cities, one of them will be awarded the Best Film Award of the 2024 Twin Cities AMES Short Film Symposium.