Opportunity: Seeking UMN Grad Student

  • 07/17/2023 - 08/03/2023

Event details

Mizna has been selected as a grantee for the Kris Nelson Program within the University of Minnesota’s Center for Urban and Regional Affairs! This program provides community-driven, applied research and technical assistance to community organizations and metro-area government agencies, and matches the research and technical needs of organizations with student research assistants to carry out community-defined and -guided projects. The Nelson Program provides approximately 200 hours of student time to work on a project in the spring and fall semesters.

Mizna is seeking a graduate research assistant enrolled at the University of Minnesota to support efforts to create a Community-Based Communications Plan, establish a Consistent Narrative, and produce an annual Report. As Mizna approaches its 25th year, we feel it is a crucial moment to analyze what we do and who we serve, so we can continue to improve programming and community-building. We are experiencing a moment of organizational growth and believe that now is an appropriate time to conduct a communications audit to ensure consistent messaging in our outgoing marketing and communications.

This part-time position is open until filled, starting during the fall semester. More information at the links below. This position is only open to University of Minnesota Graduate and PhD students.

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