Experimental Issue: Mizna’s AWP Offsite Reading

  • Al Bustan Seeds of Culture, 3645 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104

  • 03/24/2022
  • 6 pm

Event details

Join Mizna for our 2022 AWP Offsite event, celebrating writing from our most recent literary journal, the Experimental Issue. This event is co-presented with Radius of Arab American Writers (RAWI), and Al Bustan Seeds of Culture.

Featuring readings from George Abraham, Tamara Al-Qaisi-Coleman, Tracy Fuad, Glenn Shaheen, Yasmine Rukia, and Issam Zineh.

+ a preview screening of a film by Nadia Shihab.

This event takes place IN-PERSON on Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 6pm at Al Bustan Seeds of Culture, 3645 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104.


Attendance is EXTREMELY LIMITED, RSVP is required. Once all tickets have been reserved, a limited waiting list will be made available.

***If you have reserved a ticket and are unable to attend, PLEASE notify us by email at mizna@mizna.org.***



Attendance is limited to 28 people, RSVP is required. Attendees are required to show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 at the door, proof of a booster shot is not required.

Attendees are required to wear a mask at all times. A limited number of masks will be available at the door for those who need one.

Thank you for keeping our community safe!


George Abraham (they/he) is a Palestinian american poet, writer, and engineer from Jacksonville, FL. Their debut poetry collection Birthright (Button Poetry, 2020) won the Arab American Book Award, the Big Other Book Award, and was a Lambda Literary Award finalist. They are currently a Litowitz MFA+MA candidate in poetry at Northwestern University.

Tamara Al-Qaisi-Coleman (she/her) is a bi-racial Muslim writer, historian, poet, and artist. Her first book of poetry “The Raven, The Bayou, & The Willow ” is forthcoming through FlowerSong Press Spring 2022. She is a Brooklyn Poets Fellow (2020), a Rad(ical) Poetry Fellow (2020), and a poet for the Houston Grand Opera & MFAH’s event “The Art of Intimacy.” (2019) She was nominated this year for a Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net anthology. Her work can be found in (Art) WORDPEACE and Mixed Magazine, (Fiction) Crack the Spine Literary Magazine, (Poetry) Boundless 2021: The Anthology of the Rio Grande River Valley International Poetry Festival, and others.

Tracy Fuad is the author of about:blank, chosen by Claudia Rankine as the 2020 winner of the AWP Donald Hall Prize and published in 2021 by the University of Pittsburgh Press. She is a graduate of the Rutgers-Newark MFA Program and a 2021-22 Poetry Fellow at the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center, and teaches poetry at the Berlin Writers’ Workshop.

Yasmine Rukia is a first generation Lebanese-American Shia experimental poet. Her work exploring the nexus between hyphens, breaths and beliefs can be found in the Black Warrior Review, Mizna, Cliterature, The Gordon Square Review, The Belt, Jaffat el-aqlam and others. She lives in Dearborn Michigan with her two sons.

Glenn Shaheen is the author of four books. He is the Executive Director of the Radius of Arab American Writers and teaches at Prairie View A&M University.

Issam Zineh is a Palestinian-American poet and scientist. He is author of the poetry collection Unceded Land (forthcoming summer 2022, Trio House Press) and the chapbook The Moment of Greatest Alienation (Ethel, 2021). His poems appear or are forthcoming in AGNI, Pleiades, Gulf Coast, Guernica, and elsewhere. Find him at issamzineh.com or on Twitter @izineh.