Guided Tour History Is Not Here: Art and the Arab Imaginary

  • Minnesota Museum of American Art
    350 Robert St North
    St Paul, MN 55101

  • 10/05/2019
  • 1pm

Event details

Take a tour through the M’s fall exhibition led by poet Sagirah Shahid.

About the artist: Sagirah Shahid is a poet by way of Minneapolis. She is a 2015-2016 winner of the Loft Literary Center’s Mentor Series Award in poetry. Sagirah’s work has been published widely, including in Mizna, Alyss, Qu and the Fem Literary Magazine. Sagirah is an editor at the Saint Paul Almanac and is currently at work writing her first book of poetry.

Free Admission; RSVP requested.

More Details & RSVP Here

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