Mizna’s Environment Issue + Northern Light.mn’s AAA

  • 02/23/2017
  • 7 PM - 9 PM CST

Event details

The Arab arts organization Mizna and Northern Lights.mn are teaming up to present a reading and discussion. The event will celebrate the release of the Environment Issue of Mizna’s literary journal, and is the next in Northern Lights.mn’s Anthropocene Awareness Association series.

Published authors will read their work before a talk by the issue’s guest editor Gary Paul Nabhan, the internationally-celebrated nature writer, agrarian activist, and ethnobiologist. This will be followed by an open discussion featuring other special guests, furthering the exploration of the environment in the Arab world and its intersections in Arab America.

The evening will include local authors Tami Mohamed Brown and Dawud Mulla, Moheb Soliman and his Great Lakes national parks poetry installation, and Canadian Arab writer and thinker Joe Kadi, and will showcase a video piece by Monira Al Qadiri, Mizna’s visual artist in this special issue and for Northern Spark 2017.

AAA: Anthropocene Awareness Association, a sometimes club, sometimes support group, always happy hour to discuss issues related to the core ideas of the Northern Spark festival’s year-long theme: Climate Chaos | Climate Rising. For more information, visit northernspark.org

This event is sponsored by the City of St. Paul’s Cultural STAR Grant to Mizna. Cover art by Monira Al Qadiri. Detail from “Alien Technology,” 2014. Fiberglass sculpture, 3 m x 3 m x 2.5 m.