
> Moheb Soliman

Moheb Soliman

Executive Editor

Moheb Soliman is an interdisciplinary poet from Egypt and the Midwest. Soliman first joined the staff of Mizna more than ten years ago as a transplant from Montreal, moving to Minnesota to work as Community Liaison and eventually becoming Program Director. Soliman left Minneapolis for the multi-year Tulsa Artist Fellowship and eventually returned for a BIPOC-centric fellowship with Milkweed Editions. There, he focused on development and acquisition for the Seedbank series, which holds books from across the globe and across time that deal with human relationships to environment, place, and the non-human living world. He was also part of the Milkweed editorial team, guiding diverse poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction manuscripts through the publication process to books.

Moheb Soliman attended Eugene Lang at the New School for Social Research and the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. His debut poetry book HOMES was published by Coffee House Press. He lives in Northeast Minneapolis with his partner, writer Kathryn Savage.

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