Mizna Shop


Will masks be required? If so, what type of masks or face coverings are acceptable?
Yes, students and staff will be required to wear masks when practicable. Exceptions will be made for eating/drinking or outdoor activity. We require masks that follow CDC guidelines such as fitted masks or double layered gaiters. The CDC outlines which masks are effective here.

Can my student wear a face shield instead of a mask? 
Face shields can be worn in addition to a mask, but cannot replace a mask. The CDC outlines which masks are effective here.

What is the hand sanitization protocol?
Students will wash and sanitize hands often and thoroughly! Students will be required to sanitize hands upon arrival and at other points throughout the day. We will provide hand sanitizer for use, but campers are also encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer. Hand-washing is mandatory prior to meal breaks.

Will you do temperature screenings at drop-off?
At drop off, we will check each student’s temperature. Anyone with a temperature of 100 or higher will not be allowed to enter the building for camp. Anyone with a fever must be fever-free for at least 72 hours without medication before returning camp. Additionally, any staff member who runs a fever will be required to have a negative COVID-19 test before returning to camp. We highly recommend campers have a negative COVID-19 test before returning to camp as well.

Will camp staff be tested for COVID-19 and at what frequency?
Yes, all camp staff, teaching artists, and interns will be required to be tested on a weekly basis. 

What is your cleaning/sanitizing protocol? 
The camp will be outdoors, and indoor areas are cleaned and sanitized daily by the community center. Classroom supplies such as props, markers, crayons, scissors, etc. will not be shared. Each student will have their own supplies to use for the duration of the camp.