Twenty-Five Year Gala
October 25, 2024 at 7pm
Paikka, 550 Vandalia Street, Suite 165, Saint Paul, MN 55114

Join us for Mizna’s 25th Anniversary Gala, an evening dedicated to marking this important milestone and honoring the resilience and activism of Arab and SWANA creatives. Our theme this year is inspired by the Arabic word “mizna” meaning “a rain-bearing cloud,” evoking imagery of transformation, renewal, and togetherness.

Clouds symbolize both revelation and concealment, stretching across the sky to reveal the present and hint at future possibilities. They shield us from the sun’s intensity and carry the promise of revitalizing rain. As a rain-bearing cloud, Mizna promises a space for collective gathering, communal relief, and resilience.

Imagine an ethereal night among the clouds, suffused with creative integrity and political values, celebrating our multifaceted cultures. We will begin with a cocktail reception to foster connection and continue the evening with an inspiring program grounded in community and solidarity. Dinner will feature flavors from the SWANA region.


Full lineup coming soon!

Sponsor the Gala

It is not a small achievement to reach 25 years as a values-driven arts organization—we rely on the support of local businesses and community groups. With your sponsorship, your organization will reach Mizna’s established audience, a diverse group committed to social justice and the arts, and many other benefits outlined further.

Check out the full sponsorship package with our audience statistics here.

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