
June 17, 2020

Call for Submissions: 2020 Twin Cities Arab Film Fest

Deadline for submissions: July 1, 2020

Mizna’s Twin Cities Arab Film Festival (TCAFF) is seeking films for our upcoming festival scheduled for September 24-27, 2020, as well as our new ongoing monthly film series. We accept narrative, documentary, experimental, animated films of feature and short lengths. We seek films made by Arab or Arab American filmmakers or films relevant to these communities. 

For numerous reasons, including the impact of COVID-19, we’re planning to present a scaled-back version of our film festival in September 2020, which will include online and hopefully in-person screenings. This year’s scaled-back September festival will kick off our monthly screening series, which will run until September 2021, and possibly beyond. For this reason, we’re accepting film submissions for both our September festival and our ongoing film series. 

The Arab Film Fest aims to exhibit films made by Arabs or those relevant to our community. With few exceptions, the festival screens Minnesota theatrical premieres. Please visit past festival websites for more information about the TCAFF and click here for full submission guidelines.