by Lamia Abukhadra | in Literary
English belowدعوةٌ لِلمشاركةِ فِي عددٍ مِن مجلَّةِ مزنة خاصٍّ بِغزَّة: إصدارٌ خاصٌّ مِن وإلى الكُتّابِ والكاتباتِ الغزِّيِّينَ/اتَ معَ المُحَرِّرِ الضَّيفِ يَحيى عاشورقد انتهتْ فترة تسليم النصوصفي ظِلِّ هُدنةٍ غيْرِ وثيقةٍ بعدَ خمسةَ عشرَ شهراً مِن إبادةٍ جماعيَّةٍ وحصارٍ...
Read Moreby Lamia Abukhadra | in Literary
PLEASE READ THE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES CAREFULLY, UNSOLICITED SUBMISSIONS SENT TO OUR EMAIL AND SUBMISSIONS THAT DO NOT ADHERE TO THE GUIDELINES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.SUBMISSIONS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSEDWe are opening submissions for our unthemed Summer 2025 Issue, Mizna 26.1, December 6, 2024-January 6, 2025. We write this call as the ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza has passed its one year mark. In the midst of catastrophe and on the brink of new waves of fascism, we look towards...
Read Moreby Lamia Abukhadra | in Literary
Guest editor Barrak AlzaidCo-editor Aram KavoossiDeadline extended: Submissions are open now through June 30, 2024SUBMIT YOUR WORK HERE PLEASE READ THE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES CAREFULLY, UNSOLICITED SUBMISSIONS SENT TO OUR EMAIL AND SUBMISSIONS THAT DO NOT ADHERE TO THE GUIDELINES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.Before speculative writing, we must have speculative thought. Before thinking and feeling into the future, we must acknowledge our past and bear witness to our catastrophic present.We write...
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