
November 18, 2018

2018 Pushcart Prize Nominations

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Mizna is proud to announce the nomination of six pieces for the 2018 Pushcart Prize. Three pieces from the summer 2018 issue Mizna: The Playing Field, guest edited by Shireen Ahmed are nominated. The additional three nominated pieces will be published in our upcoming winter 2018 issue Mizna: The Palestine Issue, guest edited by Ismail Khalidi.

Mizna: The Playing Field

Roots without Trees by Hasan Dudar (Prose)
The Lessons by Laila Lalami (Prose) 
Silver & Black Terrorists, Steve Kerr’s Dad, Green Wristbands & Abutrika Pinatas by Robert Farid Karimi (Prose)

The Palestine Issue

in the year 2148 wajieh gets married in al khalil by Fargo Tbakhi (Poetry)
Universe In Which My Father is a Poet by Zaina Alsous (poetry)
ars poetica which every pronoun is a Free Palestine by George Abraham (poetry)

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