
May 26, 2020

Calling all Arab & SWANA illustrators and comic artists!

ترجمة عربية

Mizna, the only Arab lit and art journal in the United States, is seeking submissions for a special Comix Issue. This issue will be guest edited by Palestinian graphic novelist Leila Abdelrazaq. We are seeking comics submissions by Arab and SWANA artists living anywhere in the world responding to the prompt of A New World Order.

These days, it seems as though revolutionary changes are happening daily. From global political upheavals to public health crises, we are living in unprecedented times that are changing the ways we think, work, act, live, and love. We may not know what the future holds, but one thing is certain: the world as we know it is changing forever. For this issue, we are seeking comics that explore what it means for reality (whether the personal micro realities that we inhabit, or the larger political realities that engulf us) to undergo radical, transformative shifts, for better or for worse.

How is your reality changing (or not)? What does your (personal or political) world look like? What does the future hold? Are your visions for a new world order optimistic, or apocalyptic? Perhaps you have endured monumental shifts in the past. What was a moment when everything changed? How did you survive? How do we survive? (Do we?) Had enough of our current dystopic reality? Submit a comic on whatever moves you (or numbs you). What wild alternative realities can you dream up?

For this issue, we welcome all genres of short comics and illustrated visual narratives, from slice-of-life personal stories, to sci-fi and speculative fiction. We also welcome whatever interpretation(s) of the prompt you choose to imagine.


  • • Please submit finished artwork at mizna.submittable.com
  • • Comic narratives can be up to six pages in length (in rare cases we can consider a limited number of comics up to eight pages in length)
  • • Submissions should be in black and white 
  • • Files should be 5.5 in x 8.5 in plus ¼ inch of bleed and at least 300 DPI, in TIFF format
  • • MIZNA will pay selected artists $25 USD per illustrated page
  • • Submission deadline: 11:59pm on July 31, 2020 August 14, 2020