
June 27, 2018

COMING SOON: Mizna 19.1, The Playing Field

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Our upcoming themed issue of Mizna is an exploration of the way the world of sports reflects critical issues affecting our communities– religion, race, gender, class, colonialism, occupation, patriotism, social justice, etc. Mizna 19.1, The Playing Field, features contributions by Shireen Ahmed, Nabil Amra, Melika Belhaj, Romaissaa Benzizoune, Diane DeCillis, Hasan Dudar, Elisabeth Mehl Greene, Robert Farid Karimi, Taous Khazem, Laila Lalami, Junichi P. Semitsu, Mohammed Yabdri, and Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar with visual art by Ala Younis. Subscribe today to preorder your copy!