
February 12, 2011

Film Submission Deadline Extended!

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MIZNA’S 7TH TWIN CITIES ARAB FILM FESTIVALDeadline extended, now August 29, 2011!

Mizna’s 7th Twin Cities Arab Film Festival is now accepting submissions. The festival is seeking narratives, documentaries, experimental films, and animated films, both feature-length and shorts, by and/or about Arabs and Arab Americans. 

We welcome your entries and inquiries, and thank you in advance if you have already submitted your film this year, or in past years. If your film is not ready yet, do consider us in the future. 

The deadline for entries is now August 29, 2011.

Please send a DVD preview copy, filmmaker contact, and any relevant background information on your film to our address below. Upon selection, we will need additional publicity and marketing materials for your film for our program catalog and media releases.

Twin Cities Arab Film Festival
2205 California Street, NE, Suite 109A
Minneapolis, MN 55418

The 6th Twin Cities Arab Film Festival in March 2010 was highly successful and featured area premieres of Garbage DreamsPomegranates and MyrrhLes BaronsEin ShamsGaza on the AirLaila’s Birthday, a children’s film segment from Al Jazeerah, and much more. You can see the full schedule here: https://www.mizna.org/arabfilmfest10/

For any additional information please send an email to: rami@mizna.org