
December 15, 2002

Library Journal Review of the Mizna Journal

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Library Journal

1999. 3/yr. $40. Ed: Lisa Adwan. PO Box 14294, Minneapolis, MN 55414; www.mizna.org. ISSN 1535-2331. Illus. Aud: GA (Subject: Literature. Culture. Issues examined: Vol. 3, No. 3 & Vol. 4, No. 1)

Mizna, a Minneapolis-based literary journal concerned with the Arab American viewpoint, taps directly into America’s need to understand and study other cultures. Certainly there is no better time than right now for a journal of this nature in the United States. Featuring fiction, poetry, essays, interviews, and artwork dealing with Arab American concerns, Mizna conveys serious issues with power and style while avoiding the dry and academic text of more scholarly publications. Contributors are not necessarily of Arab descent, but submissions must be of relevance to the Arab American community. While many of the contributors have been previously published elsewhere, the journal accepts submissions from anyone willing to share. The editors have done a fine job selecting pieces that represent the many aspects of this culture; each quality piece adds to the overall collection, producing an effective journal that remains eminently readable. Compact and squarebound, Mizna features a bold color cover with Arab American artwork. All libraries should consider Mizna as an enlightening journal of a frequently misrepresented culture.