In the past few decades, as liberal cultural institutions have grown more dastardly effective at co-opting and defanging the political potential of writers and artists from historically marginalized backgrounds, the amorphous imperative to “witness” continuously re-emerges in the face of unceasing tragedy wrought about by the United States, its ruling class, and its ghastly allies across the globe. We are implored to “witness” atrocity after atrocity, but never as more than...
Should I tell you a secret?
I’m afraid of the anguish I hold within me. Do people fear their own anguish?
Because today there is still a war and
maybe after the war there will be a day,
if after the war I have a drum or even a mouth
to fix to say that we will dance
and laugh so hard a day
after the day after the war
Jenin Refugee camp is referred to by Palestinians as the “castle of the revolutionaries” or the “capital of resistance” because it has historically been a birthplace of resistance fighters, and has always witnessed intense battles between its refugees and the invading occupation forces.
It looks me in the eye
and recounts to me
the many times
it let me live.
Love takes the form of rain clouds: we accumulate despite our im/possible wounds, gather even in miraculous conditions. We join our kin in the swarm, all of whom gathering, like us, as waters from unknowable sources. And then the flood.
Love takes the form of rain clouds: we accumulate despite our im/possible wounds, gather even in miraculous conditions. We join our kin in the swarm, all of whom gathering, like us, as waters from unknowable sources. And then the flood.
The building next door was stripped naked, its shattered windows gaping onto disarranged kitchens and bedrooms. My aunt’s building was leveled entirely.
“Pow,” she said, flattening the air between her hands.
here: here: here: here: take what I have in exchange
(but what do I have?) just this:
Dear sky,
where were you
when our homes were being
above the ghetto in flames
frantically dance the goddesses
of vengeance & conquest
Toussaint Nate Turner Leila Khaled John Brown Tubman Joseph Garang
(2 name but so many few)
They say the father refused
to be a collaborator. And the mother,
a physician, a specific kind of witness,
had looked at her killers the wrong way.